In 2018, the foundation assisted in the construction of a music & arts school in the village of Sekha in Nepal.
Now, the Tomorrowland Foundation decided to select a second project with a similar vision: Mobile School! Thanks to the support of the foundation, we will be able to continue to expand and open up to five new mobile schools in countries such as Haïti, Kenya, Poland, Togo and Lithuania.
To celebrate the start of this collaboration, the team of Mobile School will showcase the mobile school on the Tomorrowland campsite DreamVille. Every day of the festival, the mobile school will be rolling around DreamVille from 10h till 14h.
If you’re staying at DreamVille, make sure to pass by our school and say hi! During the festival, visitors have the opportunity to donate 2 ‘pearls’ – the official Tomorrowland cashless currency – to the foundation. Moreover, the People of Tomorrow can equally contribute by buying the official Tomorrowland flag. For each flag sold, 5 euro is donated to the foundation.
Not lucky to join the party on Tomorrowland but still eager to support us? Feel free to give us a donation through our website!