Learning from and on the streets
How street youth and business communities can reinforce each other

Empower talent with MobileSchool.org!
From the streets to the boardroom, we develop talent and leadership.
Partner with StreetSmart for cutting-edge youth work tools and with StreetwiZe for top-notch business training. Together, we drive a sustainable future.


StreetSmart develops game-changing tools for youth workers to enable them to unlock the potential of vulnerable children and youngsters worldwide. With our integrated on- and offline offer, we invest in an opportunity-oriented methodology to maximise personal development of youngsters growing up without a safe and caretaking environment.



StreetwiZe creates high-impact leadership training for companies, inspired by the dynamic realities of street communities. Combining academic research, business insights, and street smarts, we help businesses navigate change, develop leadership, and enhance well-being. All profits are reinvested in MobileSchool.org, ensuring a 360° positive impact on trainees, businesses, and society.



A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth

The Facing Trauma toolkit provides youth professionals with a practical guide to explore topics such as trauma, stress, self-care, and emotional well-being. Click the button below to learn more.

Our impact

Last year we reached a lot of people and organisations.

StreetSmart contacts with young people


trained StreetSmart youth workers


StreetSmart Wheels organisations


StreetSmart Wheels countries


StreetwiZed companies


Keynotes & stories


StreetwiZed employees


Contribution to Mobile School in €

Read about our impact

Our story

Stories & News

The latest news, interviews and stories

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Donate your time and join our talented volunteers to create a lasting impact on street-connected youth.
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Share our story with your network or book a StreetwiZe training to strengthen your team while supporting street-connected children.
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#FeestMee 2024

Party in aid of Mobile School NPO on Saturday 25 May 2024

Once again a party with pure girl power behind the turntable in Hangar 3020. At the previous #FeestMee editions it became clear that standing still is impossible when DJ Anda Ackx takes control.

Part of the profit from #FeestMee goes to Mobile School vzw, an organisation that supports projects for street and refugee children.

Tickets FOR SALE
25 May 2024
Herent, Belgium


[[en]]Mobile School exists 20 years! Mobile School vzw was founded in Sept 2002. For 20 years we have been exploiting the talent of street-connected children, in 33 countries. On December 17th we celebrate our birthday during a special edition of the #DUWMEE. [[nl]]Mobile School bestaat 20 jaar! Mobile School vzw werd opgericht in sept 2002. Al 20 jaar gaan we het talent van straatkinderen ontginnen op de straat, ondertussen al in 33 landen. Op 17 dec vieren we onze verjaardag tijdens een speciale editie van de #DUWMEE.  [[fr]]La balade la plus cool de l'année est de retour le samedi 17 décembre 2022 ! [[es]]¡La escuela móvil existe 20 años! Mobile School vzw fue fundada en septiembre de 2002. Durante 20 años hemos estado explotando el talento de los niños de la calle, en 33 países. El 17 de diciembre celebramos nuestro cumpleaños durante una edición especial del #DUWMEE.[[pt]]A Escola Móvel existe há 20 anos! A Mobile School vzw foi fundada em setembro de 2002. Há 20 anos exploramos o talento das crianças de rua, em 33 países. No dia 17 de dezembro comemoramos nosso aniversário durante uma edição especial do #DUWMEE.

[[en]]Check the campaign and register quickly [[nl]]Check de actie en schrijf je snel in.[[fr]]Consultez la campagne et inscrivez-vous rapidement. [[es]]Consulta la campaña y regístrate rápidamente. [[pt]]Consulte a campanha e registe-se rapidamente.

Our partners

With the support of