Mobile School valorises the talents and survival skills of street-connected children in 28 countries worldwide. We have been doing that for more than 20 years now. Our pioneering outreach strategy shifts the youngsters’ attitudes away from assistance to empowerment.Inspired by the many extraordinary youngsters Mobile School works with, our hybrid partner StreetwiZe has developed its impact driven approach to talent and leadership growth. They have decoded street savviness to answer learning demands in a business context.
Interested in knowing more about our impact? Download our annual impact reports to learn more about our activities and our impact:
[[en]]Currently there are 57 mobile schools rolling around in 30 countries on 4 continents. All of our active partners are taking the mobile school out multiple times a week to boost the self-esteem of street-connected children. [[fr]]Il y a actuellement 57 écoles mobiles dans 30 pays sur 4 continents. Tous nos partenaires actifs opèrent l'école mobile plusieurs fois par semaine pour renforcer l'estime de soi des enfants des rues. [[es]]Actualmente hay más de 57 escuelas móviles en 30 países en 4 continentes. Todos nuestros socios activos sacan las escuelas móviles a la calle varias veces a la semana con el fin de potenciar la autoestima de los niños de la calle. [[pt]]Atualmente, existem 57 escolas móveis em 30 países de 4 continentes. Todos os nossos colaboradores ativos estão levando a escola móvel para a rua, várias vezes por semana para aumentar a autoestima das crianças em situação de rua. [[nl]]Momenteel rollen er 57 mobiele scholen rond in 30 landen op 4 continenten. Al onze actieve partners trekken de mobiele school meerdere keren per week de straat op om het zelfvertrouwen van straatkinderen te vergroten. aims to inspire, activate and engage organisations and individuals. We develop competences as a means and opportunity to increase sustainable development. We believe in the potential of each individual and go all out to develop strengths, aspirations and talents through social entrepreneurship. Facilitating self-discovery and strengthening personal development is at the heart of what we do!
All products and actions of are assessed and given a score in relation to the mission mentioned above. This way, we seek to measure the evolution in social impact over the years. Based on a number of both quantitative and qualitative criteria, a yearly impact score can be calculated to track the global impact of
Selected parameters to determine the social impact score are, among others:
StreetwiZe invests 100% of theirprofit in Mobile School, co-creates the educational materials and relentlessly supports Mobile School by increasing its social impact. is the parent company of StreetSmart & StreetwiZe.