Trauma affects everyone  

Although the term trauma is often associated with extreme events, such as war or abuse, it can also occur in everyday life. Poverty, unstable home situations and discrimination can have a profound impact on a child's development. Youth professionals play a crucial role in supporting these children and young people, but do not always have the right tools at their disposal to work around this issue. The ‘Facing Trauma’ toolkit offers them an accessible and practical tool to recognise trauma, respond to it appropriately and prevent re-traumatisation.  

A toolkit that responds to a growing need  

Developed with support from the European Union, the ‘Facing Trauma’ toolkit provides youth workers with diverse and ready-to-use tools to work in a trauma-sensitive way. The materials are interactive and directly applicable in various contexts.The toolkit includes: 

  • 10 educational posters on trauma, stress and self-care. 
  • A game manual with more than 60 trauma-sensitive games and activities.  
  • A podcast with inspiring audio stories and instructions.
  • Online training programmes for in-depth and hands-on support. 

All materials are freely available and accessible to youth workers worldwide through our website:

Tested in different settings

Before the official launch, the toolkit was tested in different settings, resulting in impressive data: 

  • 586 children and young people reached
  • 346 certificates obtained in the online training programmes
  • 141streams of the audio stories and instructions
Already 350 professionals signed up for our training sessions

On Friday 7 February, the toolkit was officially launched. Youth professionals from different organisations were introduced to the different materials in the toolkit in an interactive way. The reactions were laudatory: ‘Very cleverly done - really impressed by the scope and richness of the material.’ ‘Wonderful project!’‘Thank you so much! I enjoyed it and came home completely full of ideas!’ 

The great response to the launch of this toolkit shows how strongly the topic of trauma is alive and well in society. In just a few weeks, 350 professionals already signed up for our training sessions.